By: Anab Mohamed Email: Covid19 has come and it is here to stay. It is going to be a while before effective vaccines are developed and cures are found. For Sudan, access to essential medicines and interventions for communicable, non-communicable, and neglected diseases has been challenging, which is also likely to contribute to the longer time it would take to access the Covid19 vaccines once they are developed. Sudan’s current transitional state involves challenges within the health and pharmaceutical sectors, a hallmark of which is the reduced capacity of the pharmaceutical sector to access the global pipeline of drugs and vaccines. Until those challenges are overcome, it is important to maintain vigilance over the spread of Covid19 in communities. With future plans to slowly begin lifting the lockdown measures, the conflation of " going back to normal" and lowering the guard against covid19 poses a serious risk. For t...
A blog focusing on addressing current public health challenges in Sudan, and the opportunities for sustainable health development that are presented through these challenges. The blog examines and analyzes public health concerns as seen from the lens of social conditions related to society, culture, and international development, in order to generate inquiry for constructive insights.